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How to Host a Relaxed, Italian-Inspired Gathering

Delicious food, good company, bottles of S.Pellegrino® Sparkling Mineral Water, and “La Dolce Vita” — here’s everything you need to know about throwing the ultimate Italian dinner party, courtesy of chef and restaurateur Brooke Williamson.

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With a focus on seasonal ingredients, an air of elegant informality, an aperitivo hour that rivals the dinner itself, and a bottle of S.Pellegrino® Sparkling Mineral Water always within reach, there’s nothing like an Italian-inspired gathering to bring your loved ones together and get the conversation flowing. That’s why we asked chef and restaurateur Brooke Williamson to share tips and tasting notes — gathered from her extensive travels through Italy — for making your dinner party guests feel like they’re at an Italian villa. One tip to start: S.Pellegrino®’s gentle bubbles and perfect mineral balance elevate any Mediterranean-inspired meal, from pre-dinner olives and prosciutto to late-night tiramisu (and everything in between).

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Say Cheers With Light Bites and Sparkling Water

Williamson likes to ease her guests into the evening with sparkling beverages that complement an Italian appetizer spread, like subtly nuanced S.Pellegrino®. “When I'm entertaining, I never jump straight into a sit down dinner,” she says. “I always like to leave at least an hour between suggested guest arrival time and actually diving into the main event. There are always beverages and something to munch on, whether it be prosciutto or olives or little crackers or breadsticks.”

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Mix and Match Your Tablescape

“You see a lot of mixed heirloom plates in Italy, and I think that it's a fun direction to go in. It leaves a lot of room for creativity when it comes to setting the table. You also see a lot of what's around being presented in a slightly more upscale setting, like lemon tree leaves or bunches of citrus fruit presented on a table that can then be cut and used in beverages or squeezed on fish. I think that mimicking what you're using in your meal to decorate your table is a lot of fun.”

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Take It Outside

“I love al fresco seating, especially in the warmer months. It lends itself to the informality of an Italian meal and the way it progresses organically and naturally rather than being seated and coursed-out.”

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Serve Dishes Family-Style

“Plating family style is your best friend. People can take as much or as little as they want, and it really makes for an ease in service that doesn't exist when we're individually plating food.”

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Have a Signature Beverage

"Taking the guesswork out of your guests’ beverages is always great. I think that when people walk into an entertainment setting, a lot of times they want the decision taken out of their hands. Set the tone, set the vibe, and say ‘this is what we're starting with.’ I think you'll find people love having that decision made for them." Williamson mixes it up depending on the occasion, but we recommend keeping a few bottles of S.Pellegrino® on-hand for an ideal fine food pairing that elevates any occasion and brings people together.

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Discover more ways to elevate your summer gatherings with S.Pellegrino® Sparkling Mineral Water. DISCOVER MORE

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